ION upgrade

Waiting for pricing to upgrade my ION. Have two wings as well which I realize need to be upgraded since they have the old usb ports. Once I get pricing I can decide new ION xe or upgrade. Either way I know wings need upgrade to use them.

So question: If an ION and the wings are upgraded do they have to be connected by cable ONLY or can they still hard connect together without using cabling? If by cable can they still be hard connected to keep them as one whole unit just for support purposes?

This has everything to do with being able to still use the very expensive large custom road case I have. Not being able to hard connect will mean my console and two wings will no longer fit; too wide.

  • Jeff,

    If you upgrade all the gear it will still work with your hard connections and fit in your case.

    If you only upgrade your console to Win 7 and not your wings you can't use the hard connectors.

    A new Ion XE does not have the "hard" connection that eliminates the cable, so you would need to cable connect them regardless.

    Hope this helps!
  • Jeff,

    If you upgrade all the gear it will still work with your hard connections and fit in your case.

    If you only upgrade your console to Win 7 and not your wings you can't use the hard connectors.

    A new Ion XE does not have the "hard" connection that eliminates the cable, so you would need to cable connect them regardless.

    Hope this helps!
  • Greg it helps bunches.

    I knew about the XE not having the hard connections but it appears my old 2x20 wing will actually fit in the case alongside the XE 20 should I go that route because the XE 20 appears to be narrower than the ION with a 2x10 wing. I use all 60 handles all the time.

    So if I go the XE 20 choice I will get my two wings done also and keep the 2x20 in the case next to the XE 20 (Case designed to have folding legs that make it my desk as well so everything is there. Then I will keep the 2x10 wing in the side compartment of the case should I want 20 more handles, but I am looking at the XE 20 so prob never use that 2x10 wing.
    Now I am waiting pricing and have to pray hard to decide if the upgrade is a better choice for an older console that may start having hardware issues. Tough one.