training -- forums and blogs

Now that we have them it would be a good idea if at the appropriate time during training to tell endusers about  the ETC Forums  and product blogs.  I have found them to be a really good place to to get info, particularly about consoles.

Jeff Stroman

Factory Field Service Engineer


  • Jeff,

    I could not agree with you more.  Both the Forms and the Blogs are such a wonderful resource and everyone can benefit from them.  I try to always mention these as a resource into my training sessions.  I also point out that the forums and blogs are highly monitored and participated in by ETC employee's as well as every day end users.  The best part is that they more people join them and use them the greater this resource becomes.

    Scott O'Donnell

    Factory Field Service Engineer


  • Jeff,

    I could not agree with you more.  Both the Forms and the Blogs are such a wonderful resource and everyone can benefit from them.  I try to always mention these as a resource into my training sessions.  I also point out that the forums and blogs are highly monitored and participated in by ETC employee's as well as every day end users.  The best part is that they more people join them and use them the greater this resource becomes.

    Scott O'Donnell

    Factory Field Service Engineer


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