What's in your tool box? 802.11 Access point /switch choices.

So as I re-solder the antenna's back on my cheap Netgear access point...again I ask...Is there a better choice?

What do people use for a tool box access point?

 I would love a small 3 port switch with 802.11B/G.  Even better if it had some smarts such as port mirroring.  It doesn t need any firewall.  Size is key here.

When I ask at the local computer stores about the smallest access points, I get  "gee...no one has asked about the size before"  The current Netgear box I'm using is almost 1/2 the size of my laptop...and it has a giant external PSU to boot.  Between the actual computer...and the access point...and the external 3-1/2 drive...and the various cables, my laptop bag is awful stuffed.

So I ask...What's in your toolbox?


  • I also am a beleiver in the small Apple Airport Express. It does a great job and can be configured for multiple IP configs. It has been excellent for use as the "acces point" wiht the ION and Element consoles and the iRFR functions. Then wiht a small IP change can talk to the Unison and standard ETC network equipment.

    As for needing POE, a single port from 3COM has been my best little friend and one of the small 5-port switches.

    As for the bag thing, yes, it's packed, but many times it is a matter of seperate bags for the network stuff. It could be worse, needing the SLTA as well.

  • I also am a beleiver in the small Apple Airport Express. It does a great job and can be configured for multiple IP configs. It has been excellent for use as the "acces point" wiht the ION and Element consoles and the iRFR functions. Then wiht a small IP change can talk to the Unison and standard ETC network equipment.

    As for needing POE, a single port from 3COM has been my best little friend and one of the small 5-port switches.

    As for the bag thing, yes, it's packed, but many times it is a matter of seperate bags for the network stuff. It could be worse, needing the SLTA as well.

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