ETC gadget with zero 88 dimmers

hi there, 

I'm hoping that someone can help me. I am trying to use my gadget 2 in a small theatre and I cannot get any dmx signal going to the dimmers. 

the gadget is going into a old delta dmx splitter. from my findings the "through" of the splitter goes to the dimmers and the other outputs to the IWB's in the theatre.

they have a fat frog plugged in and that works perfectly but as soon as I swap to the gadget I have no control and the dimmers have no signal.

I have tried bypassing the splitter and going straight into the dimmers, this still has no effect which is why I am putting it on here as I now believe it could be me doing something stupid. 

the system is an install so I cannot follow where cables go or do anything internal if you see what I mean. 

someone that I spoke to said that it could be something to do with the frequency of the signal but I have done some research and it doesn't seem to look like its a problem.

the dimmers are Zero88 chilli Pro 2410i 

thank you to anyone who could give me some help.


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