Hello! I work in a high school and a student unplugged the HDMI to my second monitor that had my cue lost on it. 

Now the cue list will not highlight/tell me what cue i’m on. This has never happened before and my company relies on this.

(Note: what’s not showing up is the yellow that covers the cue number)

I can’t find this information ANYWHERE please help me!!

(Another note: this is on a Ion, bought around 2001 and is version: 2.9.2 build: 8)

  • Are you looking at the Cue List Index or the Playback Status Tab?  The name of the tab should appear in the bottom right corner.  Playback Status will track your currently playing cues.  Cue List Index doesn't do that.  I think you want the Playback Status.

  • Are you looking at the Cue List Index or the Playback Status Tab?  The name of the tab should appear in the bottom right corner.  Playback Status will track your currently playing cues.  Cue List Index doesn't do that.  I think you want the Playback Status.

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