Lone star moving light

So I work with a high school theater and I’m new to a proper system. I moved one of our Lonestar moving lights from above Stage to our catwalk, and I tried it on its original patch and it is not working. I’m asking for guidance on how to either patch this light or figure out where I went wrong.

  • What may have happened is that your new location may have a different DMX Universe than the old location. Where did you plug the dmx cable into on the catwalk? Try and follow the dmx cable back to the DMX port it orginates from. If it goes thru several fixtures, thats ok, just see where the DMX cables end up. Hopefully it will be a DMX gateway/Node wirh a display that says which universe its set to. 

    Best to post a photo of the box the dmx cable is connected to, and also from your console patch display. 

  • Hi! As Corey mentioned, it sounds like it could be related to the patch and universe where the fixture is connected.

    If the problem persists after patching/addressing, we can take a deeper look at the Lonestar.

    We are here to help further troubleshoot with you. 



  • With new lighting systems installed in venues these days, it's almost a dead certainty that your lighting control system is on networked lighting and is using streaming ACN (sACN) throughout the space, with DMX gateways providing lighting data to the fixtures. The Lonestar likely does not function in the catwalk because the DMX output in the catwalk is listening to a different universe of sACN than the first electric.

    One quick way to check on this is to go to your Patch tab on your ETC Eos lighting console and check the address(es) of where one of your Catwalk fixtures is patched, and then compare it to the addresses of the Lonestar you moved. If there is a different number with a / prior to the addresses, that means they're on different sACN Universes.

    Try repatching by matching the universe number of the Lonestar with the fixtures of the Catwalk. If the addresses of the Lonestar overlap with existing addresses in the universe of the Catwalk fixtures, you will have to assign a new starting address to the Lonestar and patch that to the same Universe as the Catwalk.