New Computer

Boss: We can manage a new laptop! What kind do you want?

Me: Well it had better run all the ETC system programs. I'll ask for the current recommendation.

I need a true desktop replacement due to CAD, so the small and light stuff isn't important, but power and function are critical. My calls are both new installs and legacy service, in short I need everything. And yes cost is a factor...

So what is the current thinking?

(Perhaps this discussion should be a whole sub group. It is a never ending issue.)

  • I can tell you that the current computer issued to me by our IT department here at ETC is a Dell E6510. It is a true desktop replacement since I run all our ETC software as well as CAD and Graphics software and it runs everything without a single hiccup. I'm dunning a Core2 processor 3Ghz, 4GB of memory and Win7 32-bit

  • Thanks Brian,


    1. How long have you had it?
    2. Do you work with the moderately old systems? (I notice it doesn't have a built in serial port)
    3. From this I take it IT has approved Win7-32 bit. Any word on 64b testing? (The last "official" comments here are dated last year.)
  • I've only had the computer a few days, but several other people have been running them for months. To make use of a serial port you will need to also use the legacy port replicator. The computer supports this, but doesn't have as serial port on board. This is actually becoming common place on most computers now anyway.

    We have done testing with Windows7 and all the current software applications work in the OS. With some of the older applications you need to change a few settings for compatibility (there is a TS document that outlines this). 64-bit also seems to work fairly well, but there are a few more adjustments for compatibility.

  • Sounds good. Unfortunately my CAD dosn't like that video card, so still hunting.

    I found the Vista TS document, the Win7 doc doesn't seem to be online yet. If it's not their by the time I get my machine I'll call.

    I would love to have a 64 bit OS. After all Nintendo had one in 1996.

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