Cleaning Eos Faders

I am looking for the proper method for cleaning the faders in an Eos.  A quick scan of the Knowledge Base and the 1.7.0 manual revealed nothing.  Any help is appreciated.

  • Benjamin,

    I talked to the Repairs department about this -- exercising the faders will typically clear up the dust that could accumulate, and will revive many a dead or sticky fader.  It's helpful to do this both manually and using the face panel test available in the shell.

    If the fader it's stopped working, we would recommend replacing the fader at ETC.  Spraying any sort of cleaner on the inside would not be recommended, as there is yet to be a "residue-free" version.

    Otherwise, the faders shouldn't require too much maintenance.



  • Thanks, Hans, great to see you doing support!


    This issue was really only noticeable while running the fader test in the shell.  Some faders wouldn't move the full distance they were supposed to when motorized moves were made.  However, they could be manually pushed into position.  Am I missing something maybe?

Reply Children
  • Benjamin,

    Thanks!  It's great to be here at ETC.

    The faders tend to have a bit of play in them -- when you say they aren't moving the full distance, do you mean that the values aren't reading the full 100%, or that they aren't moving the full mechanical range?  The best way to find this would be in the face panel test application.

    If the faders register 0-255, they are operating normally.  If, however, you send the faders to full in the face panel test mode and they don't register 255, you have a problem that we should look at.
