Eos/Ion Software on Technician pages

Can the latest console software be put in the software pages for service techs?  I hate having to go to multiple places to get the latest software versions for service calls.  A great example is the Ion 1.9.6 update a few days after I had sent out an Ion I just updated to 1.9.5.  It would be handy to have all of those versions available right there in the service tech pages so we wouldn't have to register an email address every time we update a console version.

Parents Reply
  • Hey Guys,

    It is something we are working on.  We're trying to find the balance of getting the information available without a lot of clicking, but also not having multiple copies of the same code in lots of different places.  Until we get there, I highly recommend using the last page of Backstage as your handy master link to all software that you'll use. 


