ION Offline Editor

at college we have a an ION console, the rig we have permanently set up is comprised of 12 VLX's 4 TS's and 2 TI's, i dont know if they is their specified names (probably not) but they are all moving head lights, we use very little in the way of Gen lights as we have the permenant rig set up. i have just recently started useing the EOS ION Offline Editor, and have noticed that i cant move lights for que's or for effects, is there any way for me to be able to move them without useint the console at college or will i have to save the que's and effects and finish them off on the console?





  • Hi Tim,


    Welcome to the forums! Though there are not encoders that can be used in the iON offline software, there are some other powerful tools that make utilizing moving lights offline, rather easy. If you navigate to the CIA, and then in the menus navigate to virtual controls, collaspe the menu, and select 'ML Controls'  and select where you want to place the 'ML Controls' on the screen.


    Now when you type for example [1] [at], the 'ML Controls' will populate with the needed infomration to work on Cues and Effects offline.




  • Hi Tim,


    Welcome to the forums! Though there are not encoders that can be used in the iON offline software, there are some other powerful tools that make utilizing moving lights offline, rather easy. If you navigate to the CIA, and then in the menus navigate to virtual controls, collaspe the menu, and select 'ML Controls'  and select where you want to place the 'ML Controls' on the screen.


    Now when you type for example [1] [at], the 'ML Controls' will populate with the needed infomration to work on Cues and Effects offline.




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