lights don't reflect what the board shows

Help! In the middle of a performance for a two week run.  Board and display show channels at full, but instruments aren't on.  Instruments come on without warning. Lack of control from board to instruments.  Not a patch or electrical problem because the instruments will eventually kick in.  Any takers?

  • Sounds like your saying the lights are responding intermittently.  If that is true the first suspicion I would have would be in the DMX cable run.  The second would be Air flow at the racks.  They could be heating up and shutting down on temp overload.... then cooling.... then coming back on etc etc.

  • Sounds like your saying the lights are responding intermittently.  If that is true the first suspicion I would have would be in the DMX cable run.  The second would be Air flow at the racks.  They could be heating up and shutting down on temp overload.... then cooling.... then coming back on etc etc.

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