Unison Pardigm Touchscreen won't respond

We were about 30 minutes away from a live event. Standard protocol for us is to power up lights at that time. The touchscreen was black and wouldn't respond. On the dimmer panel box, it showed the touchscreen was in an error condition that couldn't be cleared. We used our light control board to manually bring the lights up in time for the event, but I wanted to know if there is something I can do to reset the error condition, reset the touchscreen, or any other way to repair the problem.

  • Your questions brings up many clarification questions.  Is this a portable touch screen?  If not, is your screen communicating through ETC Net or through "ULP"?  It sounds like a call to your local dealer or ETC tech support would be the quickest and easiest option.  The US number for ETC is 800-688-4116.  Try and have someone on a mobile phone preferably at the unit and with access to all of the rooms that have the equipment.

  • Your questions brings up many clarification questions.  Is this a portable touch screen?  If not, is your screen communicating through ETC Net or through "ULP"?  It sounds like a call to your local dealer or ETC tech support would be the quickest and easiest option.  The US number for ETC is 800-688-4116.  Try and have someone on a mobile phone preferably at the unit and with access to all of the rooms that have the equipment.

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