Sensor Rack Air Flow

I recently went out on a service call for a sensor system installed about 15 years ago.  The installing electrical contractor completely removed the 4-inch wide panels between the two racks and between the auxiliary bussing rack and the first dimmer rack.

Needless to say, the fans were not drawing addequate air in through the heat-sinks.

Is there a prescribed method for sealing such a large space?  The problem areas are where the bus bars pass from one rack to another leaving a large space.

  • I saw this once, and sadly the solution is not easy -- but possible. I recommend you get a whole mess of fish paper. (Tyvek -- Tech service can steer you in the right direction. We used to ship this with racks to fill larger areas). Pull all the modules out, and start cutting pieces to fit between the racks. Basically you're building a wall. You can use the existing screw holes to attach the paper with appropriate screws.  Once this is done, use EC putty around the areas that have cable bundles or feeder passing between the racks. Try to avoid having anything touching the bussing.

    This will take a lot of time, but in the end works and is certainly easier than the alternative of removing a rack to put in the pieces.

    Terrible situation. I feel for you. :)

  • I saw this once, and sadly the solution is not easy -- but possible. I recommend you get a whole mess of fish paper. (Tyvek -- Tech service can steer you in the right direction. We used to ship this with racks to fill larger areas). Pull all the modules out, and start cutting pieces to fit between the racks. Basically you're building a wall. You can use the existing screw holes to attach the paper with appropriate screws.  Once this is done, use EC putty around the areas that have cable bundles or feeder passing between the racks. Try to avoid having anything touching the bussing.

    This will take a lot of time, but in the end works and is certainly easier than the alternative of removing a rack to put in the pieces.

    Terrible situation. I feel for you. :)

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