Sensor Rack Air Flow

I recently went out on a service call for a sensor system installed about 15 years ago.  The installing electrical contractor completely removed the 4-inch wide panels between the two racks and between the auxiliary bussing rack and the first dimmer rack.

Needless to say, the fans were not drawing addequate air in through the heat-sinks.

Is there a prescribed method for sealing such a large space?  The problem areas are where the bus bars pass from one rack to another leaving a large space.

  • Regarding what Mike Skurla has written: There is a part number for a piece of fish-paper that goes between 2-racks that are in a 'bussed' configuration. You should call TS and try to get this part number.

    My guess is that the 2 racks were not originally ship bussed together and when the bussing was done in the field the fish paper was not installed.



  • Regarding what Mike Skurla has written: There is a part number for a piece of fish-paper that goes between 2-racks that are in a 'bussed' configuration. You should call TS and try to get this part number.

    My guess is that the 2 racks were not originally ship bussed together and when the bussing was done in the field the fish paper was not installed.



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