Fan issues inside ION

Hi just powered our ION up this morning and the fan is making quite a bit of noise. Is there anything we can do about this or is it best to send it back? Sounds like fan is coming off it spindle or catching somewhere?

  • There was, at one time, a problem with the PSU (not manufactured by ETC) where a plastic insulator would come loose and flop around the PSU, often hitting the fan blades.  If you lift your ION on end, and give it a little shake, you can often get the piece to fall away from the fan.

    The PSU should get swapped (not all that difficult....but not something that should be done by the user).  It should be a warranty repair.  Please note, I'm NOT an ETC employee, so in fact anything I say about warranty may not really be true.



  • There was, at one time, a problem with the PSU (not manufactured by ETC) where a plastic insulator would come loose and flop around the PSU, often hitting the fan blades.  If you lift your ION on end, and give it a little shake, you can often get the piece to fall away from the fan.

    The PSU should get swapped (not all that difficult....but not something that should be done by the user).  It should be a warranty repair.  Please note, I'm NOT an ETC employee, so in fact anything I say about warranty may not really be true.



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