Tablets, PC's, Remote Desktop Apps

I'm throwing this out there to other field techs to see what you are using in the field, and if somebody knows of an app that exists to do what I'm thinking of.

I'm contemplating a leap into the world of Tablet's, leaning toward an Android tablet at this time, though I'm not completely opposed to an iPad.

What I'm wondering is if anyone knows of an app that would allow me remote connection to my PC when connected to a Local Area network via a wireless access point.  I know of several apps for remote PC access over the wider internet (LogMeIn Ignition is one of them,) but I don't know if those will work over a local closed network not connected to the wider internet, such as the ones installed permanently in ETC systems.  

My goal is to allow me to leave my PC hooked up to a central location when turning on larger systems, remote log into my desktop which is running the various config programs we use to commission systems, and control the lights while walking around.  Think RFR for DimStat or RFR for Paradigm. 

I know that some of the apps and product have webpages built in, and that might be an answer, but that may not always allow me the degree of control I'm looking for (i.e. relabeling a button on a Paradigm LCD station via live edit/live control.)

If anyone knows of an Android or Apple app available that might do this, and that would work with a Windows PC, let me know.

[edited by: Holztech at 3:56 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Dec 13 2011]