Configuring an LPC


So I'm trying to setup an LPC and my local dealer is stumpeed, thought I would check here.

Have an Impression II and an Impression II LPC.  Both are running 3.1 software.  Followed the printed directions in the manual to configure the boards for an A/B System doesn't work.

Both Units are plugged into the ehternet hub and working correctly (When I power on each one individually they find the RVI and display data)

I've set on the console (Dip Switches inside) SW 1: On, SW 2:Off

On the console: SW1: Off, SW 2: On

I'm not getting any of the tracking console errors (Cannot find A, Cannot find B)  They both seem happy as a clam working as individual light boards on the network.

What have I missed in setting this up?

Thanks all for your help!


  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to say that the Impression II does not support FTB in an A/B setup.  That was a feature only on the Expression 2x, Expression 3, Insight 2x and Insight 3.  The Impression 2 and Insight 2 do not have the A/B keyswitch or the software to run that function.

