Rosco I-cue 16 bit missing

I recently downloaded the latest smartfade ml and smartsoft software, I did not realize Rosco I-cue 16 bit was removed from device wizard.  I am not sure how to patch my motors without that option.  The rosco options in the board only has 3 footprints and i'm needing 4. 

I used an old software and done the patch work on the laptop but when i loaded it in the board it did not have pan.  Please advise.

I did not have this problem until I rearranged the placements of the motors on the device panel.

  • Hi Charity, with v3 Smartfade ML Software, we made the Standad Fixture Library smaller,

    but then allowed the option of pulling from an external library of many more fixtures only

    those that were needed into your console.


    You can also download the extra library from our website, and then import the needed

    template into the console. The instructions for this are in the Smartfade ML v3 Manual.

    Have fun!

  • When you refer to downloading and extra library, are you meaning an additional one to the library version 7.5.3 (which I have installed)?  I found in the manual were it instructed me to go to the website, but I was not sure what personality library I was looking for.  I tried just a random search for Rosco, and it pulled up several download personality options, but I had no idea how to determine if it would work for smartfade ml.  


  • When you refer to downloading and extra library, are you meaning an additional one to the library version 7.5.3 (which I have installed)?  I found in the manual were it instructed me to go to the website, but I was not sure what personality library I was looking for.  I tried just a random search for Rosco, and it pulled up several download personality options, but I had no idea how to determine if it would work for smartfade ml.  


  • Hi Charity,

    you have the standard library v7.5.3 automatically installed. Starting with the Smartfade ML Software v3,

    the standard onboard library did not contain all the previous templates it used to. The not as often

    used templates were sorted out to an external library which could be loaded on an as-needed basis,

    in order to help improve the efficiency of the console.

    You can download the extended library to a computer from our website on the Smartfade ML Downloads page here:

    A direct link to the extended library is here:


    A list of all the templates in the Standard (inside the console already) and the Extended (must be

    imported seperately from the above library) can be found in the library list here:

    On Page 8 of the Smartfade ML v3.0.1 User Manual:

    "Load Personalities from Card

    The console has a personality library with 500 of the most common fixtures. In addition to

    this there are 100 personality slots that you can fill by loading personalities from the

    updated personality library at Personalities are loaded from the SD card.

    The file should be called PERSLIB.BIN. A personality loaded in this way will stay in memory

    until you make a deep clear or the battery runs out.

    This is done from the Patch menu.

    Menu>Patch>Patch Devices>[Load Personalities]

    Select the slot with wheel 2. Confirm slot by pressing ENTER.

    Select manufacturer with wheel 1 (or 2). Select personality with wheel 3. Confirm

    personality by pressing ENTER."

    I hope that helps!

  • Thank you for your help.  I downloaded the file on the SD card, (same one I use for showfiles), and I followed the instructions Menu>patch>patch devices>load personalities... it says all my slots are empty... I have to be doing some step wrong, I've downloaded the file to the SD card several different times, I've rebooted the board, I've even tried downloading the file directly from the website on to the SD card. I'm running out of things to try..

  • One thing to check is to make sure that the downloaded file got uncompressed onto the SD card. I noticed the download is in the form of a ZIP file, and the Smartfade is looking for the .BIN file which is zipped up in that archive.

  • I confirmed the file had .bin, however I wasn't going far enough to get to where the manual was specifying end result.  I would get to slot 1 (which said empty) and I would scroll through all 100 and determine I did something wrong.  In reality, I needed to select slot 1 and hit yes, and then it gave me the fixtures. 

    Now that I have a personality of Rosco in slot 1, I'm at a loss how to use it to patch.  I was hoping it would show up in the Device wizard and all would be well, and I could just easily patch all devices and move on.  However, its not showing up in the wizard still, so I figure that is not the location it would be in.  I read the manual regarding what you sent me on personalities, however I'm not sure how to use them, now that I got one. 

    I went to the patch>patch device>load personalities and its in there but when i attempt to just go to the user personalities I'm not sure what is going on there with offsets, so I figure thats not where i should be.



  • You will find the personality in a third category, called "Loaded Personalities" (or something like that). Loaded personalities are not user personalities. User personalities are the ones you build yourself for fixtures not found in the library or in the Perslib file. It is easy to spin past the third option, but trust me, it is there.

    I hope is helps...


  • Thank you for everyone's help.  I was able to get it loaded, and the motors work.  Thank you so much!!