Elements sharing a network

Due to a semi-knowledgable client, who designed his own system, but missed a few details, I have a problem to solve.

1 building with 2 theatres- dediucated Lighting network wiring all going to a patch bay, plugging into 1 switch.

1 Sensor 3 rack for Venue #1,  1 Drd Rack ( with PAradigm ) for Venue #2

1 Element console in each venue- the catch is that Element doesn't support multiple consoles on the same  network

We want:

- Element #1 to talk only to the Semsor rack, and network ports in Venue #1Element

-Element #2 to talk only to the Drd rack, and network ports in Venue #2

So my options appear to be ( but I'm not sure what is best ):

1) Set IP addresses so that Venue #1 devices and venue #2 devicesare in different ranges

2) Setup VLans on the switch

3) Install a 2nd switch

Any advice ?

Small side detail- the DMX B out from the Drd rack is going to DMX A in on the Sensor- so Paradigm button stations can control everything


Craig Blackley

J.A. Frost Ltd.


  • The key question is whether there's any reason why they might want to allow control from one venue to another.  If the answer to that is "no" then your best bet is to either use separate physical switches or create isolated VLANs on the existing switch (both approaches are functionally equivalent).  That way no one has to worry about remembering what IP address range belongs to which space and all that.  This will also simplify things if they ever add Gateways to the system--especially if they're shared between spaces.

    Two Element consoles can't work together to control a system, but you can have two of them on the same network if, for some reason, they do want to share control between spaces.  It's just like how you can have a Paradigm processor and a console both transmitting sACN on the same network.  The receiving devices take whatever is at the highest priority, or do an HTP merge for devices at the same priority.  The problem with this arrangement is that there's no way to prevent someone from patching and controlling circuits in the space they're not supposed to be in.

  • You can have multiple Elements on the same network, this works fine.

    Elements don't connect to each other as Backup or Clients, but there is no real limit to the number of Elements on the same network.
    - However, if they are both on the same network then their sACN outputs will merge.

    So, there are two ways to divide this:

    A) Use VLANs and separate the two venues that way. This is effectively the same as having two independant networks, each with their own switch.
    - Your options (2) and (3).
    This requires a DMX output from Paradigm to the Sensor rack, although I would use DMX A out of the Paradigm as then you can have both racks start at DMX 1 throughout.
    (The Paradigm DMX B patch always includes its own dimmers, so would mean an offset input patch on the Sensor+ rack's DMX input to make the numbers line up nicely for the consoles.)

    B) Set up Venue #1 to be Universes 1 & 2, and Venue #2 to be Universes 3 & 4.
    Then set the "Allowable Output Addresses" in Setup to ensure that each Element can only patch to its own venue.
    - This doesn't need the DMX B cable as Paradigm can patch to both venues via sACN.

    In your list, option (1) won't actually work - sACN is multicast and will go straight across the subnets.

    Your Options 2 & 3 will work just fine, and I'd go for one of those unless there's a particular reason they want them both on the same network.

    [edited by: Richard at 9:53 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 9 2012]
  • Thanks very much- this clarifies things quite  a bit.

    They don't want to control "across venues" but it would be useful to be able to swap consoles, in case of service needs.

    I think the VLAN option makes the most sense.

    Richard Question : you said " ...I would use DMX A out of the Paradigm ... "  - I didn't realise that DMX A on Paradigm could be an Output- that could be really usefull - thanks.


    Craig Blackley

  • The A port can be either input or output. (and can be a different sACN universe) The issue is that you would then rely on network for all input to the Paradigm. Some folks like having a hard line DMX as a backup or for visiting consoles.