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GCE Beta Code

Greetings All!

We are near the end of the development cycle for the latest version of GCE and UpdaterAtor. This also includes code for the 1, 2, and 4 Port Gateways. Fun items include Dimmer Doubling and the ability to use GCE on your 1-Ports. (I know, right?!)

If you are interested we would love to see if you can poke a hole in our perceived balloon of readiness. The code is on a separate forum and we have posted the final Release Candidates. We hope.  All I need is for you to read the blurb below, agree to it, and then shoot me an email with your user name.  I will set you up as soon as I can.

We greatly appreciate your assistance in the validation of this product set. Your input is very useful for our development team who will be watching this forum space, excitedly awaiting your insights! (They really are excited for this to get out; I am not exaggerating.) And on the topic of feedback, ALL Commentary and Support for this beta cycle will be managed through the forums. We will respond to issues as quickly as we can but:

If you are having a significant issue, downgrade to released code Immediately and then let us know what happened.

If you do have issues, please let us know what you were doing, what was on line, what happened, how that was not what you expected, and how you got around it. This information is very helpful for us to reproduce the problem and find the issue more quickly. I absolutely promise that I will never ever get mad for too much data.

Thanks very Much!
