Mosaic and MIDI audio playback

I have a couple of Mosaic MSC1's our shop purchased and I've been trying to teach myself how to build a complete "sound and lights" demo to take to customer demo's and to install in our soon-to-be opened retail space.

I'm hitting a road-block regarding MIDI. "All I want to do is..." have Mosaic and some sort of MIDI-controlled audio playback device interact with each other to synchronize playback. Think: Bellagio Fountains with lights instead of water jets.

I would prefer that the audio source is an iPod / iPad instead of a PC.

Can anyone recommend a direction I should look? Google searches have led to more information about sound-quality of MIDI audio files for gaming than anything else.



  • Brian,

    If the end goal is to synchronize a n audio track from a source like an iPod to the lighting on the MSC controller, my recommendation would be to use SMPTE through a Mosaic Remote Audio Module (RIO-A). This makes the task very simple. Once you associate the timecode coming in, to the timelines as necessary, they will always be perfectly in sync since the lighting timeline will match the audio playback exactly. You would need to create the SMPTE timeconde into the audio file using some editing software, but this will be the best approach.

    When you use MIDI, it works more like a trigger to initiate something in Mosaic, or for Mosaic to initiate something in another device. You could have the audio player send a MIDI trigger to start a timeline, but if you then stopped the audio playback, the lighting would continue to run unless you also sent a stop trigger to the Mosaic controller.

  • Brian,

    check out at Light-O-Rama showtime controller.  They can be programmed with a internal time line and audio file all played off a SD card and output 512 ch of DMX.  Use Mosaic as the scheduler and trigger the audio synced "show" on the LOR controller via trigger inputs.  I would also use Mosaic to control the lights for non show times etc. I have a working Paradigm / Light-o-Rama setup all working! 


    TPC Technologies

    Niles, MI

