
Does anyone know why my scripts fail to run anytime I use the DMXOUT[channel] command?  They build without error, but I can not pull the DMX value for any channel.


value = DMXOUT[200] 


this script will build but not run.




  • Hi Paul, You are almost there. First thing you need to do is have a universe object returned to a variable table so you can retrieve the levels of each channel within that universe. I would recommend creating a script within a startup trigger so the universe is retrieved once. sacn_out = get_dmxout(SACN+200) Using the above example.....sacn_out[1] would give you the level for channel 1 in sACN universe 200......sacn_out[512] would be the level for channel 512 in universe 200. If you need to access other universe types here is the info to do that. This can also be found in the Mosaic help file by typing the keyword LUA into the search field. MSC 1's DMX Universe = 1. MSC 2's DMX Universe = 1 or 2. Controller's Art-Net II Universe = ARTNET+. Controller's Pathport Universe = PATHPORT+. Controller's ETCNet2 Universe = NET2+. Controller's sACN Universe = SACN+. Controller's KiNet Universe is obtained using the get_kinet_universe(powerSupplyNum, portNum) function. If you would like additional help please feel free to email me directly. Have a great day!
  • Thanks Christopher for the help, but I must still be doing something wrong. d_out = {} d_out = get_dmxout(1) -- I have a MTPC controller set_intensity(10,d_out[200],0) still getting nothing when I know that there is a value on dmx channel 200, what am I missing here?
  • Hi Paul, do you have a timeline running when you have this script run? Remember that set_intensity works more like a master.
Reply Children
  • Yes there is, but issuing just a Set_intensity command with a hard coded value works. It is when I start trying to read DMX values that I run into problems.