Mosaic Designer 2 /BPS(M108-6-US)/add to project

Good day, colleague.

I have the problem of adding BPS devices to the project created in MD2 v2.4.0. When BTS is connected to the network, in the tab "Network" I can not see the serial number of the BTS device.

And in Mosaic Designer v1.12.1, I can perfectly work with the BPS device.


Parents Reply Children
  • hi, ctprice.
    1. Uninstal MD2.4.0 and instal MD2.3.1
    2. Disable all NICs except for the one connected to the Mosaic system and created a network in which only PC, MSC and
    3. Disable all firewalls and antivirus software
    4. Launched as administrator Mosaic Firmvare Update Tool 2.3.1
    5. The BPS device was defined in the program/updrade firmware version before v2.0.2
    6. instal MD2.4.0/up to v2.0.4
    6.Profit :)