Hello! I'm not sure where to put this topic but I try here.
Right now my theatre have a DALI system for the house lights. it's only 4 relays for emergency light and two 2,5k dimmers running 9 750W flood lights. and then one (?) relay for the work lights on stage.
This system starts to get old and loose it's memory and we want a new system that is more future friendly.
What do I need? I want to have the option of DMX in. I want to have the option to in the future (or at the same time as the switch) go over to LEDs. I want more then just 2 groups in the roof, I would love the option to from panels run parts of my lighting rig for things like conferences, rehearsals and so on. (I right now have a Net3 network for the stage light).
Witch of ETCs systems is the best for me? It's not that I need timed colour changes but I need more then on and off.