Looking for a custom fixture profile for an architectural RGB light that can only be controlled in as an HSI color mixing fixture with White.

Looking for a custom fixture profile for an architectural RGB light that can only be controlled in as an HSI color mixing fixture with White. 

The channel layout doesn't work correctly with the generic HSI in the Mosaic liberary.  I've tried a few other profiles I found in the ETC library with no luck.

Issue is that their Channel layout  I don't think is very generic.  I had problems finding any information online except for sales specs.  According to the Manufaturer the fixture only runs in HSI and can not be switched to RGB channel layout..

Is there a profile that exists that I might have missed or can one be made, wasn't able to find a lot of documentation on how to create a custom fixtures that will layout channels correctly for the color picker or for integrating white into the profile.

Channel 1 : Intenisty

Channel 2 : White

Channel 3 : Saturation

Channel 4 : Hue

  • fixture = LED - HSI Custom
    //fixture = LED - HSIC
    manuid = 100
    //manuid = 0
    //modelid = 116
    class = led
    shape = square
    dimensions = 24x24
    personality = 4
    generator = 2.5
    patchgroup = fixture
    parameter = Brightness
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = htp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    constant = 0
    parameter = Saturation
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    parameter = Hue
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    uuid = {168c38a3-16f2-4eb1-bb47-d22533744d05}
    You can create a custom fixture (one way) by right clicking on a profile in the browser that you would like to build off of and then click Create Custom Fixture. After naming, a text editor will open with the fixture where you can edit it. In version 2.5.2 and lower, you will need to close and reopen Designer to get the profile to load properly.

    That being said, I played with your channel order and I think having the white channel in there breaks the HSI-ness of the profile. I could only make it work by bypassing the white channel. Drop the attached into your ETC/MosaicDesigner 2/Fixtures/Custom directory in your documents folder.

  • Thanks for getting back to me is it possible to create a 2 channel HS fixture and create a separate Intensity/White profile to run the fixture as 2 components? Ultimately run intensity and white as 2 dim functions. 

    does it matter the order of hue and saturation in the profile. The fixture reacts with Saturation as channel 3 and Hue at channel 4 which is reversed from the usual HS profiles.

    This system is being installed in a venue and they are asking for a color picker

  • Thanks for getting back to me is it possible to create a 2 channel HS fixture and create a separate Intensity/White profile to run the fixture as 2 components? Ultimately run intensity and white as 2 dim functions. 

    does it matter the order of hue and saturation in the profile. The fixture reacts with Saturation as channel 3 and Hue at channel 4 which is reversed from the usual HS profiles.

    This system is being installed in a venue and they are asking for a color picker

  • I played around with it a little more, and barring something from ETC/Pharos I can't work around not having a "Brightness" channel in the same element as Hue and Saturation. So two options I see right now, the first is to use the above and ignore the White channel. Or use the attached which means you'll have to use 5 channels, the fifth though is purely a dummy channel.

    fixture = LED - HSI Custom
    manuid = 100
    class = led
    shape = square
    dimensions = 24x24
    geometry = 3x1
    personality = 4
    generator = 2.5
    patchgroup = fixture
    element = Intensity
    parameter = Intensity
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = htp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    elementcount = 1
    element = White
    parameter = Intensity
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = htp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    elementcount = 1
    element = ColourMix
    parameter = Saturation
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    parameter = Hue
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    parameter = Brightness
    default = 0
    crossfade = linear
    type = ltp8bit
    range = 0, 255, %
    elementcount = 1
    uuid = {168c38a3-16f2-4eb1-bb47-d22533744d05}
