Looking for a custom fixture profile for an architectural RGB light that can only be controlled in as an HSI color mixing fixture with White.
The channel layout doesn't work correctly with the generic HSI in the Mosaic liberary. I've tried a few other profiles I found in the ETC library with no luck.
Issue is that their Channel layout I don't think is very generic. I had problems finding any information online except for sales specs. According to the Manufaturer the fixture only runs in HSI and can not be switched to RGB channel layout..
Is there a profile that exists that I might have missed or can one be made, wasn't able to find a lot of documentation on how to create a custom fixtures that will layout channels correctly for the color picker or for integrating white into the profile.
Channel 1 : Intenisty
Channel 2 : White
Channel 3 : Saturation
Channel 4 : Hue