Record DMX output to button station

I have looked around the forum but cannot seem to find this, even thought I am sure it is on here. 

I have a small college theater that is installing some new LED fixtures and would like to add them to the architectural control.  Since they are going to be moving these around but would still like to make some standard presets I thought it would be easiest for them to set it the look on the console and snap shot the DMX to a preset.  How do I get the record function to listen to the console

Current setup is Sensor 96, Element console, Paradigm Unison ACP. touch screen and a 10 button station.

  • Would this have anything to do with a sACN Gateway?  Can I have the sACN network listen to the DMX values?  This would seem entirety too easy, lol

  • The Paradigm ACP, like a console, needs channels defined and a patch established before it can snapshot DMX or sACN values.  The addresses that your LED's are utilizing must be created then added to the presets your control station and touchscreen are configured to record/recall.  This is accomplished through the configuration software 'Light Designer' to which ETC service providers have access.   I recommend you contact the company that installed your system, or your local ETC dealer and they will be able to coordinate the configuration modifications necessary.  If you don't know any local ETC peeps, contact tech support directly and they'll be able to send you down the right path.  Good luck!

  • The Paradigm ACP, like a console, needs channels defined and a patch established before it can snapshot DMX or sACN values.  The addresses that your LED's are utilizing must be created then added to the presets your control station and touchscreen are configured to record/recall.  This is accomplished through the configuration software 'Light Designer' to which ETC service providers have access.   I recommend you contact the company that installed your system, or your local ETC dealer and they will be able to coordinate the configuration modifications necessary.  If you don't know any local ETC peeps, contact tech support directly and they'll be able to send you down the right path.  Good luck!

  • I have Light Designer and I am a certified tech.  Just been a while since I have been on site, and was trying to figure it out before I got there.  Sounds like it is all in the patch which I have done already, so it should be good when I get there.  Always good to have ETC on speed dial though!

  • In addition to having the fixture/ channels patched you will also need to ensure that they are included in the presets that are assigned to the buttons you want to record to.

  • You'll also want to be sure that your input source is 'mapped' to your output in the LD patch. If you are inputting sACN to the P-ACP from the console and then outputting sACN you should be fine with the default setup.

    If you are inputting hard line DMX you should assign that port (A or B) as an input to the relevant output port (A, B or sACN) in the 'Input Universe Editor' on the patch screen.

  • I would imagine the fixture addresses will change over time, would it be simple enough to add 512 channels and patch them all?  This way I don't have to assign each fixture individually, and this would allow them to change fixture address while still including all incoming DMX into the preset?

  • Do the addresses need to change?

    If the console has even basic patching then the actual addresses become irrelevant unless they change universes. We all try to keep things neat and orderly but it can go overboard on this.

    I find it far easier to repatch than to re-address a bunch of fixtures. Then color  pickers and hue sliders can be used for LEDs.

  • I've seen this done before and I personally have done it before. This is convenient when you don't always have the same gear in the same venue--It also means you don't have to worry about personalities in Paradigm. I assume since you said button station that there is no LCD in this project? If that's the case then I say go for it, as you won't be losing any of the functionality that exists in Paradigm for LED's.
