Smartlink Architecture - D50 dimming modules



We're thinking to get a new system for a little Auditorium, and we were thinking to work with D50 dimming modules for architectural lighting. I was reading the manuals and data sheets of Smartlink Architecture, but the don't appear as a valid option.

Is it possible to use those modules with this architecture?

Thanks in advance!



Parents Reply
  • OK, understood.


    Finally, we're thinking to use 2 Sensor3 racks, and communicate them via PoE Switch (one to each other and both with the Unison ACP). The Smartlink doesn't have ETC NET3 communication, so is it possible to connect that via DMX with one of the CEM3 and it shall be able to control the whole system? Or in this case is required to use a console which can communicate via NET3.


    Thanks a lot for your interest!


