Visibility Groups


I'm trying to make buttons on a touch screen appear or disappear depending on the state of a wall. I grasp the concept of visibility groups however I cant seem to work out how to implement them. Any help or examples would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you put the touch screen on the other side of the wall, then when the wall closes, you wont be able to see the buttons (or the entire touch screen) unless the wall has a window in it....

    Anyway, if you are talking "Legacy" then the trick is to use macros to open/close walls and have the macros also change lockout/visibility levels or change pages. Of course, then you have to use loops, etc to keep buttons lit to fake the wall indication....
  • If you put the touch screen on the other side of the wall, then when the wall closes, you wont be able to see the buttons (or the entire touch screen) unless the wall has a window in it....

    Anyway, if you are talking "Legacy" then the trick is to use macros to open/close walls and have the macros also change lockout/visibility levels or change pages. Of course, then you have to use loops, etc to keep buttons lit to fake the wall indication....