My Unison System sporadically turns House lights on and off

I am helping a local high school with their Unison system.   I have also worked with a local dealer.  The ssytem was installed over 3 years ago. during the last year and a half, the system has randomly turned  on and off the circuits.   The processor was sent to ETC to fix where they said it was working fine.   I re-installed  the processor and loaded the orignial program only to have the different zones  turn on and off at random.   I then disconnected one of the control panels and things seemed to stabalize.   Two Days later, it was reported to me that the house lights were turning off after between ten and fifteen minutes.   Then after another 10 inutes they turned on again.   The system uses ETC Net  to talk to the dimmers in conjunction with an Emphasis system.   The Emphasis system was turned completly off when this started happening.  Is there something in the processor that would send random signals to the house light dimmers?

