Echo Stations and multiple CEM3

Can a single echo station be daisy chained between two SR483 / CEM3's using touch and go just like with DMX at the CEM3 backplane?

The intention is to have a backup station/preset that triggers racks 1 and 2 in the event the network connecting both racks goes offline.  This is not for a panic scenario.

That being said, if there is a 3rd dimmer rack (all 3 racks on the same network) and we do not want presets to be activated at all on the 3rd rack, what is the best way to do this?  Uncheck "Allow in Preset" on all zones in rack 3?  Will rack 3 CEM3 still show a preset being activated and how will presets behave with incoming DMX and sACN control signals on rack 3?


  • Eveik

    Yes you can daisy chain the wire, with that being said it can be hard to get 2 set of wire under the screw terminals so it may be best to outside of the racks hit a box with Wagos to drop to each rack.

    When it come to rack 3 if you give the rack a different system # it will not listen to the presets



    Change the system #

    This will help avoid cross communication.


  • Does having different system #'s for racks in the same space effect how they interact with each other (outside of CEM3 preset control mentioned) or with other ETC controls such as Eos Ti(Sensor feedback), Paradigm, or Conductor? Thanks.
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