

I want more info, now! ;-)

If this is in the right price range it feels like the solution for a lot of installs! This looks like a perfect "not light technician solution" to stick in the hands of SM, Sound tecs and so on to just turn on some parts of the rig. and the hall lights.

Please release more info sooooon!


Parents Reply
  • H Johannes, there is now a preliminary datasheet available (

    We'll have more information as we get closer to release in August but here are some answers to your questions: It's a one universe device. It speaks DMX, RDM, sACN, ArtNet and our EchoConnect protocol. Patching can all be done onboard using an interface that is very similar to ColorSource. There also will be a PC based offline tool. As for what's needed that's a bit dependent on how you're using it. Take a look at the datasheet. There are a number of example risers on it.

    I'm really happy you're excited about it. Let me know if the datasheet answers your question and feel free to post more!


  • Thanks! So 512 outputs... darn. I have a 2 universes box right now and it looks like I will need that in the future to.
    Is it 512 outputs over free number of universes, or is it 1 universe?

    We have today a FOH with 14 ADB M-Warps that have external dimmers on another universe. I would need to control them and some other lights to. And then 512 is a little low for me. To bad...
  • It appears to be like all control equipment, 512 Addresses. What universes they are is up to you.

    The Echo Touch supports sACN output, so again, you could patch to multiple universes.

    There is also a single universe of DMX output built right into the controller.

    Echo is flexible enough that you could also connect 2 Echo Touch systems, build presets on each one to control their universe of fixtures, and then in the programming force them to keep synchronized, so both sets of Universes are always in the same preset.

    If you need more advanced control of 2 or more universes, I might recommend a Mosaic System with a touchscreen.

  • Shadow and Jolsson. 

    One point of clarification.  While EchoTouch does speak sACN, you can only patch the 512 addresses to a single universe number.  That universe can be specified, but you can't distribute the 512 over multiple universes with the current software.

    You can't do Universe 2 - DMX 1-256 and Universe 4 DMX 257-512.
    You can only do for example Universe 7: 1-512.

    Please check out the manual for more details.

  • Ah, I see now. That's a bit misleading in the patch window, since every fixture has a cell for Universe, I thought you could patch them across multiple ones. That's kind of a bummer.
