Chauvet ColorStrip Issue

Brand new to the CS-20. While learning to record Cues, I set a few up with Chauvet ColorStrip and after playing a few cues, the ColorStrip behaves erratically. First it will not turn off. Then it will not function until I remove and re-patch it. Could this be DMX error or is a fixture issue? Or is it operator issues? Any history of this?

All of the other setup was going very well. Patching dimmers and devices worked seamlessly. 

  • I can’t claim to have hands on experience of the Colorstrip but I have no problem with other Chauvet battens. However looking at the DMX functions in the User Manual I see there is a lot of interrelationship between channels which can cause unexpected behaviour, especially if the default values set up when patched are not as expected. I have some cheap moving wash lights which always flicker when first patched because the default value for strobe is in mid strobe range rather than open or closed. A small annoyance probably caused by the ETC team not being given full information when they were asked to devise a profile for the fixture.

  • I also have not terminated the DMX run. Just read about that. Although the run is fairly short, I will try termination to see if that helps. Thanks for the input.

  • Oh, and another thing I gleaned from the manual is that the Master Slave used 3 pin XLR - the same as DMX. Could be potential for confusion. Some fixtures do master/slave on the same XLR and start sending data if they don’t see valid DMX, which can really foul things up. Make sure DMX is there before switching the unit on.
