CS20AV V2.6.0.16 Audio Error: Playback randomly stops at end of fade

Dear ETC Team,

I just started using a CS 20 AV Console and I´m trying to work with audio playback. I have a very simple test show with 5 queues. 2 Queues (the first and last) use default audio effects (birds and seagulls), and the other 3 queues use three imported MP3 files.

Observed behaviour: when going to the next scene via the GO button, randomly, the audio of the new scene will fade in, but will stop playing apruptly as soon as the fade is finished.

Other observations:

- It seems to happen less often with shorter fade times, almost never at 1s

- It does not seem to happen when using the crossfader

- It does not always happen on the same queues

A video documenting the error: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Hgl3M3U1T-NOYfQ2U-y0Y_fbhcOlxDWs

The exported Showfile including media: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NTTwzSsPGHgx8UHzenaaD63JE-nvrkXz

Please advise on how to proceed to get the audio playback to a useable state.

Thank you, brgds - Dieter

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