Hi all.. I am relatively new to lighting but am enjoying it so far.. We purchased a Colorsource 20 last year and used in in simple mode for the first production.. It was fine though a bit limiting.. I am more confident using it now and decided to go to full mode. Seems fairly straight forward.. I upgraded to v3 and like the new features.
Our current production is a kids Christmas show.. I have about a dozen cues created and 4 playbacks assigned to bump buttons.
Couple of improvements that I would like to see:
1. provide an option to make fader mode or playback mode the default on power up. We will be using a novice lighting operator for our shows and this would make it a simpler if it defaulted to playback mode.
2. provide a softkey option for Goto Cue 0.
I am sure I will have more once the current show is over..
Thanks for listening. .