New user impression..

Hi all.. I am relatively new to lighting but am enjoying it so far.. We purchased a Colorsource 20 last year and used in in simple mode for the first production.. It was fine though a bit limiting.. I am more confident using it now and decided to go to full mode. Seems fairly straight forward.. I upgraded to v3 and like the new features.

Our current production is a kids Christmas show.. I have about a dozen cues created and 4 playbacks assigned to bump buttons. 

Couple of improvements that I would like to see:

1. provide an option to make fader mode or playback mode the default on power up. We will be using a novice lighting operator for our shows and this would make it a simpler if it defaulted to playback mode.

2. provide a softkey option for Goto Cue 0.

I am sure I will have more once the current show is over.. 

Thanks for listening. .


  • Hi RobEnders,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I'm glad you are enjoying the new software.

    Some answers.

    1.  Good idea.  Most users from Expression style consoles and fader boards are used to each fader being a light/channel which is why that is likely the default.  However, ETC is always working on new and exciting things.

    2.  Having a softkey for GoTo Cue 0 is such a good idea, in fact, it already exists in the software!  While, slightly hidden 2 button presses away, you can get there via the following:


  • Hi RobEnders,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I'm glad you are enjoying the new software.

    Some answers.

    1.  Good idea.  Most users from Expression style consoles and fader boards are used to each fader being a light/channel which is why that is likely the default.  However, ETC is always working on new and exciting things.

    2.  Having a softkey for GoTo Cue 0 is such a good idea, in fact, it already exists in the software!  While, slightly hidden 2 button presses away, you can get there via the following:

