Dimming moving heads in sub master

Example: I have a moving fixture on channel 8, I bring up the intensity, and position to a mic on stage right, (no color/white) Then  Store into Submaster 1.

Using the same fixture, position on back wall of stage right, Add gobo #3, Color scroll. store into submaster #2.

Using the same fixture, position on back wall of stage left, Add gobo #6, Color scroll. store into submaster #3.

All faders down to 0

Now when I pull up sub #1 (spot on mic), it runs through the gobos, positions and colors previously programmed into subs 2&3 !!

As I pull down fader #1 slowly to 0, (to fade spot ) it reverses the previously programmed effects from subs 2&3 !!

How do I keep the spot only fading, without picking up the other submaster programs. This is also a problem when I want to bring op the positions on the back wall. Position 2 & 3 fight with each other. until the highest takes precedence.

What I would like is to have the intensities only in separate subs. Where i select a position with another sub, and when im ready to fade on, only that effect will appear.

  • Change your button mode to Move / GO from the default "Flash"

    Now your Sub bump buttons will act to pre-set the non-intensity parameters, and the fader handles will only control the intensity.  The bump buttons will be blue to remind you this is the mode they're in.

    You can also press sub #3 (for example) while sub #1 is active, in which case you will have Sub #1's intensity but #3's position/color/gobo/etc.

    The default timing of hitting that button to move the light is in Setup> Settings> Times

    Each sub can have its own timing as well. That is edited via Playback Toy

    (ColorSource calls Submasters "Playbacks")

  • Change your button mode to Move / GO from the default "Flash"

    Now your Sub bump buttons will act to pre-set the non-intensity parameters, and the fader handles will only control the intensity.  The bump buttons will be blue to remind you this is the mode they're in.

    You can also press sub #3 (for example) while sub #1 is active, in which case you will have Sub #1's intensity but #3's position/color/gobo/etc.

    The default timing of hitting that button to move the light is in Setup> Settings> Times

    Each sub can have its own timing as well. That is edited via Playback Toy

    (ColorSource calls Submasters "Playbacks")
