"0" level in LED colors causing issues

Can you please remind me of how to clear a cell in spreadsheet editing so I no longer have levels of "0" in my LED colors?  It's cancelling out color info in another preset on another fader and I want to mix them...  Or is it a setting on the master?




  • Hi there -

    Go to the cell you want to delete and press DELETE. Repeat for other cells. You can also select multiple cells if they are touching (like red, green and blue)  by using the SELECT key and arrows, or the SHIFT key when working on a PC. Confirm that you want to delete the selection. You will need to then press UPDATE to store the changes in the preset in question. If you delete something by accident, press ESC and then CANCEL when asked if you want to keep your changes.

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Sarah,

    That's what I thought, but it's not doing it...  I'm in the live tab, in the preset, spreadsheet editing is enabled.  I'm in palette mode...  Is that my problem?  How do I change the mode



  • Hi -

    Don't do this in Live, do this in the Preset Attribute Editor directly. # PRESET & ATTRIB or go into the Presets List and select the Attributes cell and press MODIFY.

    There's no way to "disappear" information in Live, since it's showing you the current state of the devices. If you wanted to keep the system from recording the color information from the get go, use the MASK button to enable masking, then use MASK & Wheel Key to mask out parts of the fixture you don't want to record.


    So, to sum up: 

    Masking can be used before recording to hide (mask) parameters from the record function.

    Editing in the Preset Attribute Editor tab using DELETE can be used to remove recorded information from existing presets.

    Masks can be applied to Masters in the Master Page editor to keep recorded parameters from playing back.


    Hope this helps!

    Thanks much!


  • Sarah,

    Thanks, you rock!

    I was unable to attend your Congo class here in the States last summer...   Will you be returning this year?

    Thanks again!


  • Hi Ethan - 

    I think we'll be adding some Cobalt classes to the training schedule for later in the year, keep an eye open!

    Thanks much -


  • Hi Ethan - 

    I think we'll be adding some Cobalt classes to the training schedule for later in the year, keep an eye open!

    Thanks much -


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