Nomad/Cobalt on Mac

I recently purchased Nomad and the Gadget and want to run it on my Macbook Air (OSX 10.9.5).
I downloaded the Cobalt Software, but it crashes when I click  "system settings" at the start screen.

Next problem that occures: After I have imported my devices with the 'Import Tempate WIzard' I want to patch the imported devices with the 'patch wizard'. But the numbers on my keyboard aren't working
(adresse, number of devices, etc.)
I tried the included keys on my macbookAir and moreover the fullsize keyboard by Apple which includes a full numeric pad- without success.

Anybody knows this problem and it's solution?
Thanks so far, I would be glad for some help.
Greetings, Luc

  • Watch the tutorial videos!

    Numbers are typed using the numeric keypad, or by holding [Ctrl]/[Control] to use the numeric keys above the keyboard.
    Numbers appear in the "Number" box bottom-left of every window as you type them.

    Type the number, then press [Modify] (the Enter key) to put the number into the currently selected box.

    This is because you very often want to put the same number into many boxes.

    It's faster to type the number once then hit Modify/Enter several times than to type the same number repeatedly.

    Finally, at present on Mac OSX the System Settings button will close the software.
    This is due to some limitations of Mac OSX that we have not yet found a reliable workaround for.

    To make system settings changes you will need to run "CobaltSettings" directly - this is in the same Application folder as Cobalt itself.

  • Watch the tutorial videos!

    Numbers are typed using the numeric keypad, or by holding [Ctrl]/[Control] to use the numeric keys above the keyboard.
    Numbers appear in the "Number" box bottom-left of every window as you type them.

    Type the number, then press [Modify] (the Enter key) to put the number into the currently selected box.

    This is because you very often want to put the same number into many boxes.

    It's faster to type the number once then hit Modify/Enter several times than to type the same number repeatedly.

    Finally, at present on Mac OSX the System Settings button will close the software.
    This is due to some limitations of Mac OSX that we have not yet found a reliable workaround for.

    To make system settings changes you will need to run "CobaltSettings" directly - this is in the same Application folder as Cobalt itself.

  • I watched the tutorials and followed the instructions step by step. Problem #1 : the start screen and it's system setting link: There was no information that the start menue dosen't work under OSX as it is shown in the tutorial videos. Problem #2: I wasn't able to enter numbers: Usually, when I use the numeric keys on the right side of the keyboard I also use the ENTER key located at the right side of the keyboard. -->normal workflow. I found out what was the problem. First: I expected the numbers to appear live- not just after I hit 'ENTER'- my fault. Second: The ENTER key of the numeric Key is USELESS in this menue. Only the ENTER key located under BACKSPACE and above SHIFT is working. Dear Richard, thanks so far for your immediate help. Greetings from Munich, Luc
  • Unfortunately Apple have a habit of changing things without informing us, which means it takes us longer than it should to initially find out what broke in a given OSX update and how to fix it - the System Settings link used to work.

    Which keyboard are you using?

    Apple's keyboard type auto-detect function doesn't work very well (Mavericks doesn't recognise any of my keyboards)
    Your Mac has probably configured it incorrectly or re-mapped that key to something else.

    Both ENTER keys work fine on my US-102-key Windows-style USB keyboard when connected to a Mavericks MacBook Pro.

  • I am using the APPLE  a1243 emc 2171

    It works properly on every app so far. I can hit both ENTER keys while writing this- no problem.

    Connected to a Mavericks MAcBook Air.

  • Another problem I have found:

    In full screen mode, there is no possibility to move the popup-windows of  the 'IMPORT TEMPLATE WIZARD' or the 'PATCH WIZARD'

    if the 'X' for closing the window or the modify/confirm button( in the case of my screenshot) is out of screen/reach.

  • This is by design. Dialogs are fixed to the middle of the screen and each has a fixed size.

    Cobalt Nomad has a minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024.

  • Thanks, we will look into your numeric keypad [Enter] issue with this keyboard.