Congo, Cobalt and OSC

I've decided to make a small remote using TouchOSC and encountered some problems:

1st i can't receive data from Congo

2nd /directselect/page/X always change to page 1

3rd when pressing/realeasing button to increase/decrease page it jumps two pages (if in page 5 goes to 7 or 3)

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance!

Daniel Varela

  • I haven't used OSC on the congo/cobalt platform yet but I have been testing OSC with the eos console.  

    1.  You need to make sure the congo is transmitting osc to the ip address of your device at the port you are listening on.

    2.  if you are using a button to select directselect/page/x  when you press a button in touchosc it transmits your address and a 1 when you release the button it sends a 0.  

    3.  Check your range for the up/down buttons I would guess it is sending a 1 on press and a 1 on release which doubles the page change.

  • Hi Andrew:

    Thanks for your kick reply.

    1.  I've tested with PureData at home and everything looked OK, but connect to the wireless network, with a laptop, of Congo didn't work, therefore i'm guessing that is a network configuration problem.(This was a quick and messy test, i will do some more tomorrow!)

    2. You are right but it always goes to page one, therefore only directselect/page/1 works OK, because directselect/page/5, for example, has the same behaviour.

    3. That was what i thought, i changed the range for 0 to 0 and 1 to 1 and it seems that Congo reacts to the signal independently from 0 or 1, and it always doubles the page change. The way to get around this is to use a toggle button with no local feedback!

    Daniel Varela

  • Some more feeback:

    Item 2: Please note that you should use /directselect/page as the OSC address and that it takes a float number as argument to choose the page to select.

    Item 3: What command are you using? It sounds like you should use the /masters/pagePlus/x or /masters/pageMinus/x commands where x is the master block number from 1 through 4. This is the only command you need to increase or decrease master pages.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi Anders:
    Thank's for your reply, and i'm sorry for the delay in my awnser but TouchOSC released an update and i wanted to make some more testing!

    Item 2: in reality it needs to set the range to the page number required: /directselect/page/5 (range min:5 max:5)-to change for page 5, otherwise it keeps changing to page one if using: /directselect/page/5 (range min:0 max:1) and the same is valid for submaster pages!

    Item 3:sending just /masters/pagePlus/x or /masters/pageMinus/x just won't work, you have to set a value and the problem is that when you press a button and send 1 it changes page and when you release the button it sends a 0 making a 'dual' press so it changes two pages, no matter what range you set!

    As for the communication of OSC i do make sure that the IP of my device is correct but it doesn't receive information of Congo, i've tried whit pure data over wifi on the same network whit a Laptop and had no trouble getting bidirectional communication, is there any configuration of Congo i'm missing? (The aRFR is working without problem.)

    Thank you all the your feedback!

    Daniel Varela

  • Hi,

    It sounds like there are issues with how TouchOSC sends things. Can't you make a button just send a single specific OSC command? It sounds like it adds arguments and sends commands on both press and release, which is not what Congo expects.

    About receiving information from Congo: What kind of information do you expect to receive? Congo will send status about master and main pb content to the IP addresses and port specified in the OSC settings. Which software version of Congo are you using?

  • All of the iOS OSC software that I have used make buttons send a 1 for press and a 0 for release. I have found ways around this using Lemur software but not with touchosc. I will look further into touchosc and see what I can come up with.
    Anders, Take a look at the button implementation for osc in the Eos family that we are in beta with. There are some of the same issues we are dealing with.
  • All of the iOS OSC software that I have used make buttons send a 1 for press and a 0 for release. I have found ways around this using Lemur software but not with touchosc. I will look further into touchosc and see what I can come up with.
    Anders, Take a look at the button implementation for osc in the Eos family that we are in beta with. There are some of the same issues we are dealing with.