[Clear Changed] hidden dialog?

Is anybody else finding [Clear Changed] a bit tricky? I don't work in Changed mode often, so don't know if this is a known issue or if I'm just mashing buttons badly. After clearing a parameter or set of parameters, I can't clear another set, change the channel selection, encoder mapping, whatever, without hitting [ESC] first. Info box shows "[X] channels selected" which vanishes upon ESC, without the channels actually deselecting. Is there a hidden dialog, and if so, can I avoid it?

Version on a Cobalt 10. 

  • hello
    maybe you would use Refresh FCB to reload your attrib state. Set changed is a tool t force the record of any attrib that you haven't change. Clear changed hide the attrib change for recording. these 2 functions is another way to work in changed mode, you can use Mask function but it is another tool.
    The better way with Cobalt is the active mode, you will see all right attrib states in each preset any device work. and your great tool is Mark to force attrib Rec (like setchanged in Changed mode !)
    working with changed mode is for people who master the tracking concept.
  • hello
    maybe you would use Refresh FCB to reload your attrib state. Set changed is a tool t force the record of any attrib that you haven't change. Clear changed hide the attrib change for recording. these 2 functions is another way to work in changed mode, you can use Mask function but it is another tool.
    The better way with Cobalt is the active mode, you will see all right attrib states in each preset any device work. and your great tool is Mark to force attrib Rec (like setchanged in Changed mode !)
    working with changed mode is for people who master the tracking concept.
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