[Clear Changed] hidden dialog?

Is anybody else finding [Clear Changed] a bit tricky? I don't work in Changed mode often, so don't know if this is a known issue or if I'm just mashing buttons badly. After clearing a parameter or set of parameters, I can't clear another set, change the channel selection, encoder mapping, whatever, without hitting [ESC] first. Info box shows "[X] channels selected" which vanishes upon ESC, without the channels actually deselecting. Is there a hidden dialog, and if so, can I avoid it?

Version on a Cobalt 10. 

  • Hi Anne -

    Can you try putting the Set/Clear Changed softkeys onto a couple of master keys and see if using a hard key variant of those commands makes them behave a little better? If they do, then I expect there's some oddness happening in the softkey area that's creating the "held key" situation.

    Thanks for the report!


  • With [Set Changed] and [Clear Changed] on Master Keys, clearing and setting via the hard (parameter wheel or FCB) keys works fine, but [Master Key] & [any device control soft key] is hit or miss, mostly miss. I haven't been able to reliably set and clear with any [Set/Clear Changed softkey] & [ softkey] combination.

    pilou, when programming Cobalt I almost always work in Active mode, which I like, but I am trying to get out of my comfort zone a little and explore Changed mode.
  • With [Set Changed] and [Clear Changed] on Master Keys, clearing and setting via the hard (parameter wheel or FCB) keys works fine, but [Master Key] & [any device control soft key] is hit or miss, mostly miss. I haven't been able to reliably set and clear with any [Set/Clear Changed softkey] & [ softkey] combination.

    pilou, when programming Cobalt I almost always work in Active mode, which I like, but I am trying to get out of my comfort zone a little and explore Changed mode.
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