how do I import ion show file in cobalt ( or from other etc consoles)

How can I import show files made on an ion cosole into my Conge kid running Cobalt?

  • You need to do an ASCII export from Ion/Eos once the show file is in ASCII Cobalt will read it.

    Some show data will transfer cleanly, such as conventional patch. Moving light patch and palettes will probably be lost. Cues/Presets should transfer but it may take a bit of cleanup after the import. Keep in mind because of the differences in philosophy between the two boards there will be some work needed on the back end.
  • It'd be great if Cobalt did an import directly seeing as it's an ETC desk as well.
    If you have the Nomad with both Ion & Cobalt it may be easier.
    Perhaps for a future update this will happen?
  • Ric said:
    It'd be great if Cobalt did an import directly seeing as it's an ETC desk as well.
    Perhaps for a future update this will happen?

    Ric if you compare the philosophy behind the two desk, you will work out for yourself that this is almost impossible.... Cobalt does not work in degrees rather than in percentage of dmx-values. Also Cobalt is a preset based desk. It also has is roots in the Presto (AVAB) range of desks. Transferring shows between different console types will always have some limitations.

  • Also worth noting EOS ASCII export formats the file into the USITT ASCII standard. The USITT ASCII format was developed back in the 90's so that you can share data between any console type. (or program such as Lightwrite) As with everything else the USITT ASCII standard is a bit dated as show files became more complicated since the early 90's. Things like advanced fixture profiles, macros, effects, part cues etc. don't exist in the USITT standard.

    The USITT files are helpful translation tools but they always require a ton of work no matter what consoles you are travelling to/from.
  • Cobalt is a native ASCII console, ASCII show file is the only open format in the lighting world, to change console, you have to use this format, this is the same to read an Express show file in Eos, you need an ASCII file.
    You will not have all of your native file because Eos does not write all of the informations in the ASCII Export but you will have your sequence, your cues, your times, your texts, your groups, all your intensities and your channels.