Cobalt Nomad Puck as Backup--capacity

Hi folks,

I'm looking ahead at console upgrades and backup possibilities. Slight stumbling block as I don't know yet what capacity our redesigned house hang will require. 

I could use some clarification on the following, from the Nomad Puck description:

Eos family compatibility:

When you use ETCnomad Puck as a primary or backup, the system output is determined by the device with the lowest output configuration. When it's connected as a client, ETCnomad Puck's output capacity of is ignored.

Cobalt family compatibility:

When you use ETCnomad Puck as a primary or backup, the system output is determined by the device with the highest output configuration. Only the number of outputs purchased will be backed up in case of a failover. When it's connected as a client, ETCnomad Puck's output capacity is ignored.

So if you're running a Puck as a Client, you can go ahead and program higher than its purchased capacity, but to actually run drive DMX solo, you're limited to what you've bought? (Why the low/high difference btwn Eos & Cobalt here? Just curious.)

And does this mean the Puck 2048 cannot be expanded past that?

Is anybody currently using a Puck as backup, and in what configuration, and how do you like it?

  • Hi Anne,
    Wow, we are looking for similar info?
    My understanding is that the Puck is capped at 2048 DMX outputs.
    I am going to be testing with a Nomad 2048 dongle soon.
    For my purchase, I am looking at using either a Cobalt 10 or Light Server as my back-up to a Cobalt 20. The Nomad will be for tech table and/or stage remote as a client.
    Take care,
  • Hey Anne,

    Basically the Eos system is a full backup system. It caters to the lowest common denominator so that in the event of a failure, the show goes on exactly as expected. In Cobalt however, they do not put those safeguards in.

    In an EOS system with a 32k master and a 2k backup it limits the entire rig to 2k so when the main fails the show goes on exactly as planned. In a Cobalt system with the exact system you can program your show to have 32k outputs but when the main fails, the backup can only drive the first 2k addresses.

    In either case the backup can only drive 2k, EOS just chooses to make the backup the bottleneck for your whole show whereas Cobalt keeps the pipeline wide open.

    Its a matter of perspective if that is a good thing or a bad thing. If you are aware of what you are doing, the Cobalt way gives you more flexibility whereas EOS forces you to stay honest. In Cobalt, if you have lights that aren't mission critical, you can dump them on high addresses and save money on a smaller backup.

    In either system the client login is uncapped, client mode is just a remote in to the master and you are not driving anything.