
hello i try to have the crossfader in master (for example 1 and 2) how can i do?Thanks

  • Hello,
    I try to have main crossfader on a ipad but no osc command exist, so i want to use a master instead of main crossfader because the faders are on the osc command

  • Hi Samson,
    I think you are looking for the Dual Mode to put a sequence in a master and have them work as crossfader pairs or as a Intensity Master and a crossfader controller.
    SETUP & Master Select Key
    Dual Masters Tab on the pop-up box (If I remember correctly, I am not in front of the console right now)
    Take care,
  • Hello
    Now i can load a sequence on master but the main playback doesn t move in the window.So how can i load the main play back in the linked masters.

  • Hi there -

    The main playback is separate from the master playbacks. To see a playback tab for a sequence on a master, use CONNECT & Master Key to connect that master to the "master playback controls". These are the playback controls in the center of the Cobalt 20 and 10 consoles.

    Thanks -


  • Thanks sarah
    Now i have a new window whith my playback but i can't use any more the jump to be?
  • Do you know if we can make a osc command for the main crossfader to use with touch osc on ipad?
  • Hi -

    Are you using a Congo jr by chance? In this case the master and main playback controls are shared so there could be some conflicts.

    Thanks -


  • I use cobalt nomad that why i want to move the main crossfader with my ipad
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