connecting net 3 rfr transmitter to older receiver

Hi, my theater used to have older version of Congo Jr, now recently we bought Congo Jr with the new Cobalt soft. We also bought Net3 rfr transmitter, but kept old receiver. Old receiver works perfectly with old transmitter and new Congo Jr Cobalt, but i can't connect new transmitter to old receiver. It just shows Search Base. Is it even possible to connect new Net3 transmitter to older receiver (i yes, then what should i do? updete firmware? how?) or should i buy new receiver?

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  • Your old one is a cRRFU - only has backlit buttons.
    As you guessed, the cRRFU receiver (USB or 6-pin XLR) is not compatible with the RFR.

    The RFR and cRRFU use very different radio technologies.
    The RFR is a bi-directional 2.4GHz link, while the cRRFU is a unidirectional low-frequency link (different freq. in US and EU)

    The RFR has a small OLED display and wheels on the sides.
    It requires a Net3 RFR Base Station - this has USB and Ethernet connectors.

    I generally recommend connecting the base via Ethernet as this makes it very easy to put in a "central" location for maximum coverage.
    When connected by Ethernet, you can power the Net3 RFR Base with PoE or a 'standard' USB charger.