Cues in sequences and masters copying

using Congo Jr. with Cobalt software 7.2 I have couple a questions.

First question: I manage to make sequence 2 to be cues when I Insert new sequence 2 I chose to be cues, but default sequence 1 eludes me, it is preset by default and can it be changed?

Second question: when I make masters with channels only, can I copy for example masters 1 in masters 2 somehow?

I have tried everything and I cant figure it out.

Thank you for replies

  • Hi there -

    Sequence #1 follows the default setting when you make a new show. If you want Sequence 1 to be Cues, set that option in the Let's Begin dialog when you make a new show. 

    You cannot copy unrecorded things. If you set selected channels to a master directly using CHANNEL & Master Key or GROUP & Master Key, reselect those same channels and set the levels appropriately, then perform the CHANNEL & Master Key or GROUP & Master Key command again for the new master. If this grouping of channels is something you plan to use more often, it's better to first record them as a real Group (RECORD & GROUP) then assign that group to a master ( # GROUP & Master Key). Then you can reassign that same group to any number of masters easily.

    Thanks -


  • You can use drag (with a mouse of a touch panel) in the Master View to move master content (including unrecorded groups) between masters. You cannot clone one master into another with this method, only move.
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