Channel masters and saving

Hello, I have noticed bad bug on Cobalt 7.2.0 software running on Congo jr. When I make channel masters and save the show and when I turn off Congo then turning it on and resume, some masters are gone it is unbeliveable and frustrating. I work with cues in sequences and I found that channel masters are easier to work with than preset masters. I did not try work with presets in sequences maybe cues are problem but anyway it is bad. Any ideas anybody?
  • Can you provide some more information on how you create the channel masters? Do you load individual channels or unrecorded groups to the masters?

    I don't understand in which way channel masters would be related to the cue sequences. Do you mean that sequences on masters disappear?
  • Ok, here it is. I made a show with cues in sequence 1. I put some channels in masters using [MASTER]&master softkey 10 and editing them in master directly. I made 3 such masters. I saved the show and turned off console. When i turned on console 2 of that masters were gone. I tryed again and after restart same thing happend. All masters that I made using preset [RECORD]&master softkey # are OK. Thanks for helping.
  • Ok, here it is. I made a show with cues in sequence 1. I put some channels in masters using [MASTER]&master softkey 10 and editing them in master directly. I made 3 such masters. I saved the show and turned off console. When i turned on console 2 of that masters were gone. I tryed again and after restart same thing happend. All masters that I made using preset [RECORD]&master softkey # are OK. Thanks for helping.