OSC in 7.3 vs 7.2


I have been working with TouchOSC and Cobalt 7.2. For 7.3 I moved to Lemur for the better programming part in that software.

When I started to program my masters in Lemur I used the code in 7.3's Help. it say /cobalt/playback/[number of playback] under Masters.

But that code don't do what I wanted (I know it's different code added to that string but I didn't want to use that part) it's the old code that have to be used if you want to use a fader in a OSC program. that string is /masters/fader/[Number of master] that string also gives feedback to the OSC program.

So what's the difference? I guess the  /cobalt/playback/[number of playback] is a software playback, and the  /masters/fader/[Number of master] is a physical master on the console.  When I used the 7.3 code and loaded a attribute to that master it didn't work to control it. but the 7.2 code takes control of the attribute.

I don't think the new is wrong, but that it's good if the info about the code is clear what it does. 7.3 Help say Masters but maybe it should say playbacks?

  • Hi,

    The main reason for the new set of commands is to standardize OSC across our products while adding new functionality. Eos, Cobalt and ColorSource now uses a similar structure and command set.

    The old fader command will fake a console fader value directly while the new one set the level of the master playback directly. The intention was not that they should behave differently but I can see that if you are using faders in special modes, like parameter control, they will be different. This is something that we might look into for a future version.
  • Yea that's the difference.
    What ever you do, don't remove the old behavior! ;-)
