Congo Kid output setup

I would like to set Kid's outputs like this :

DMX1 to dimmers

DMX2 to LEDs and such

Artnet to PC running video software (Resolume)

Other Ethernet port to WiFi router establishing remote control (tablet)

Could it work this way?


Parents Reply
  • Thank you for quick response again.

    Before anything I would like to point out, that there is probably old visualisation of Congo Kid's rear panel here

    I suppose, that the one in documentation section is more up to date and the same which I am going to get, when a new console is bought today. There are two ethernet ports there, so that solves my problem - what to do, when the only ethernet port is taken by ArtNet. With this setup I simply use one ethernet for ArtNet and the other one to connect a wifi router by an ethernet cable. That was the basic problem for me. The rest I can learn from articles you've linked for me.



